Elementary Model Site Visit Dates


Dear Elementary DLI Teachers,


We are excited to invite teachers interested in visiting DLI classrooms to observe the practices of veteran educators who are implementing effective immersion strategies. These guided visits will take place at three schools in the Salt Lake area, with a debriefing session following each visit.


The visits are open to all elementary grades (K-6) and will occur on the following dates:


  • Tuesday, Feb. 4 – for 4-5-6 teachers
  • Thursday, Feb. 6 – for K-3 teachers


If you would like to participate in this valuable professional development opportunity, please inform your principal to register you for one of these dates.


Thank you, and feel free to reach out with any questions.


The Utah Spanish DLI Team



Winter PD 2025 Materials Available


Dear elementary DLI teachers, 


The materials shared during the 2025 PL opportunity have been uploaded to the Professional Development section of the website.


We hope you found this opportunity useful. Thank you for your attendance and please let us know if you have any questions. 


The Utah Spanish DLI team.



Advisory Council and Professional Trajectory Materials Available

The presentation and professional trajectory shared with administrators during the Fall Advisory Council 2024 at UVU have been uploaded to the website’s professional development section. 



Fall PD 2024 Materials Available

Dear teachers, 

The presentations used during Fall PD 2024 have been uploaded to the website’s professional development section. 

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the materials. 

Thank you for a great round of PL opportunities, and see you in January. 

The Utah Spanish Elementary Team


AUDII For 1st Year Teachers 2024 – Materials Available

Dear Elementary DLI Teachers, 


The materials and presentations shared during AUDII for first-year teachers have been uploaded to the website’s Professional Development section of the website.


On behalf of the Spanish Dual Immersion Team, we want to thank all the teachers, administrators, coordinators, parents and students who made this year’s edition of AUDII a success. Below you can find a short video celebrating this year’s edition of AUDII. 



We wish you a successful 24-25 academic year. 


The Utah Spanish DLI team


AUDII for Second Year Teachers – Materials Available

Dear teachers, 


The presentations used during AUDII for second-year teachers 2024 have been uploaded to the website’s professional development section


Have a great summer! 


The Utah Spanish DLI Team



2024 DLI Teachers of the Year in Utah

We want to congratulate the Utah Spanish DLI teachers who have been chosen as teachers of the year in their respective schools and districts. 



Winter PD 2024 Materials Available


Dear elementary DLI teachers, 


The materials shared during the 2024 PL opportunity have been uploaded to the Professional Development section of the website.


We hope you found this opportunity useful. Thank you for your attendance and please let us know if you have any questions. 


The Utah Spanish DLI team.




Ximena Bishop Awarded 2023 Hispanic Heritage Congressional Recognition


Ximena Bishop, Spanish Dual Language Immersion teacher at Springville Junior High School, was recently awarded the Hispanic Heritage Congressional Recognition. Ms. Martínez was nominated by Springville Mayor Matt Packard and selected for recognition by Congressman Burgess Owens for her contributions to the community.  Congressman Owens presented Ms. Bishop with the award on January 4 at the Springville City Civic Center with family, friends, colleagues, and many students in attendance. 



Día de los Muertos Celebrations at Utah DLI Schools

Multiple Spanish DLI schools celebrated “Día de los Muertos” during early November this year. Several teachers have shared pictures of the events that took place at their schools to celebrate this important festivity. 


Special thanks to Mountain Point Elementary (Salt Lake SD), Vista Elementary (Granite SD), Sarah Welch (Hurricane Elementary – Washington SD) and Lucía de la Cruz (Midvale Elementary – Canyons SD) for sharing the images. 


Please click on the thumbnails to see a selection of pictures from the events. 


Mountain Point

 Vista Elementary

 Hurricane Elementary

 Midvale Elementary

Fall PD ’23 Materials Available


The presentations and materials shared during the fall PD 2023 have been uploaded to the professional development section of the website. 


Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrations

During the months of September and October, several Spanish DLI schools in the state of Utah celebrated Hispanic heritage month, as well as the Mexican independence day on September 16th. Teachers Solange Espinoza (Silver Mesa Elementary) and Carmen Garcilazo (Moroni Elementary) have shared some pictures of the events that took place at their schools to celebrate the rich culture of the hispanic world. 


Herencia Hispana – Solange Espinoza



Mexican Independence Day – Carmen Garcilazo 

If you would like to share some pictures of the cultural activities that take place in your school to share the hispanic world culture, please don’t hesitate to send us an email!




AUDII 2023 Materials Available

Dear teachers, 


The presentations used during AUDII 2023 for first and second year teachers have been uploaded to the professional development section of the website. 


We wish you a  successful 2023-2024 school year. 


The Utah Spanish DLI Team